Benefits of Using Mulch Your Home Garden

by Dan Villanueva 07/21/2019

The decision to mulch is one of the best you can make for your garden. Mulching involves you placing barriers that serve as protection around your plants and bare soil. The mulch composition varies from organic materials like bark, wood chips, pine needle, straw, etc. to unnatural materials like plastic, fabrics, tires, rocks, and pebbles.

Mulching not only beautifies your garden, but there are other benefits you would enjoy from mulching. 

Weed Control

Mulching helps reduce the growth of weeds in your garden and it serves as a barrier against the amount of sunlight the weeds can get to germinate. Even if it sprouts, the mulch will prevent it from rooting, making it easy to remove. So, while your healthy plants grow, it won’t have to compete with weeds for nutrients.

Pest Control

Some mulch serves as an insect repellent; these types of mulch are great for controlling a pest. Mulch like cedar barks have natural oils that repel insects from your garden, other mulch types with a strong fragrance have better effects on a pest. Be careful though when choosing a mulch with fragrance as some scented mulch attract insects.

Moisture Retention

When you cover around your plant and bare soil, you allow water trapped to get into the land, preventing quick evaporation. Organic mulch hold water which means, more water for your plants. During hot and dry periods, you won’t have to worry much about water for your soil – reducing your cost of the water bill.

Soil Temperature 

The mulch also serves as an insulating layer for your soil; It reduces how fast the temperature of the soil changes. During dry the season, mulch keeps the ground cool by absorbing sunrays and slowing the temperature increase of the soil.  During the colder months, the mulch keeps heat for the land, making the plants grow for more extended periods than they would otherwise could not. 

Improves Soil Nutrients

Using organic mulch such as leaves, wood chips or bark will decompose over time. The decomposed organic material adds rich-organic nutrient into the soil, feeding the plants and other living organisms in the ground with nutrients. The covering of the land also prevents soil nutrients from being washed off during rain. 

Prevents Erosion

Mulching helps to keep water in the soil and also prevents your ground from washing over when it rains. Because of the organic and inorganic materials placed around your garden, the force of rain lessens because of these materials. 

Improves Curb Appeal

Mulching adds color to your garden and landscape; it creates a groomed look for your landscape beds, trees, and shrubs around your home. Colored mulches are perfect for complementing the hues of your home and your garden. 

Mulches are beneficial for your surroundings; they give your garden a finished look and makes it easy for you to maintain. 

About the Author

Dan Villanueva

Hi, I'm Dan Villanueva and I'd love to assist you. Whether you're in the research phase at the beginning of your real estate search or you know exactly what you're looking for, you'll benefit from having a real estate professional by your side. I'd be honored to put my real estate experience to work for you.